Debate: The Summary

Motion 1: This House would Apply Death Penalty for Corruptor

I became one of the participants in this motion. So I didn't have to write the summary.

Motion 2: This House would Ban Pornography

Opening Government:
- Pornography is too easy to access.
- Pornography is addictive.
- Pornography may degrade relationships quality.
- Pornography is a disgrace for women.

Closing Government:
- Pornography can damage children's brain.
- Pornography may disturb certain people.
- There are cases where children watch pornography together in internet cafes.

Opening Opposition:
- Pornography are not that harmful.
- Pornography reduce risk of prostate cancer.
- Pornography is a form of sex education.

Closing Opposition:
- Pornography is a source of profit.
- Pornography can be a source for education.

My Winner: I choose Opening Government because their arguments cover many aspects in life.

Motion 3: This House Believe that Reality Shows Bring More Harm

Opening Government:
- Reality shows may cause children to stay up all night.
- Reality shows contain less moral value.
- TV Station prefer rating to quality.
- Reality shows are inappropriate for children.

Closing Government:
- Children tend to imitate the content of the reality shows.
- Children are unable to distinguish good and bad things in reality shows.
- Reality shows often tell lies (scripted scenarios).

Opening Opposition:
- Reality shows can entertain many peoples.
- Reality shows may be a source of motivation.
- Some of the reality shows contain moral values.

Closing Opposition:
- Reality shows are interesting to watch.
- Many TV stations are popular because of their reality shows.

My Winner: I choose Closing Government because their arguments are logical and valid.

Motion 4: This House would not Use National Exam for Graduation Standard

Opening Government:
- Most of students still graduate although they have poor grades in National Exam.
- National Exam make students depressed.

Closing Government:
- Many children are sick during the National Exam.
- Many students cheat during National Exam.

Opening Opposition:
- National Exam questions are not too hard.
- National Exam are good for measuring our nation's education quality.

Closing Opposition:
- National Exam are useful for students and teacher.
- National Exam can test student's knowledge.

My Winner: I choose Opening Government because they substantiate their statements with examples.

My Personal Insight about The Use of Cellphone in Classroom

       In this era, technology is used in almost every aspects in life. As an example, cellphones, it could do anything, really. We could communicate, we could read books, we could play musics and games, etc. As a student, I believe that the use of cellphone in class could be beneficial. According to our latest curriculum, teachers should persuade their students to learn by themselves whatsoever. In that case, most students choose to study on the internet (and use their cellphones, of course) because some of them have no time or money to buy/borrow books. But somehow, some students use it for bad things such as cheating, using it in class and not paying attention to the teacher, etc. In conclusion, the use of cellphone in classroom is beneficial, but we as a student should use it wisely.
